Studio Dunn

I featured Studio Dunn back in May for some of their gorgeous and affordable lighting. At the time I didn't make mention of any of their other furniture as I felt it didn't fall into the "affordable" category. The week after I posted about their lighting Studio Dunn managed to land a "New Designer" award from ICFF.

Still impressed with their work, I went back for a second look today. The Barrington Chair shown above is $660. It's more than a stretch to call it "affordable", but it seems to me there is plenty of value in it. It's a gorgeous artisan designed and crafted piece of furniture that is made right here in the states. While we can argue value all day long, in the end it comes down to one thing. Would you buy it. For me, as gorgeous as it is, I don't know that it is what I would spend my money on. How about you?

Would you pay $660 for the Barrington chair? Why, or why not?

Studio Dunn

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...