Road Trip update

Falling Water 75th

IFIrst off, thanks to everyone who offered up suggestions on places to go on my way home from ICFF.  There were so many fantastic suggestions, but unfortunately too little time. I ended up spending the better part of yesterday in Mill Run, PA looking at Kentuck Knob and Falling Water. It was absolutely incredible. I'm still digging through all of my photo's, but I'll get them uploaded next week.

This morning, I'm sitting at Hotel Indigo in Columbus, IN surrounded by all sorts of great MCM furniture. This is definitely the place for design geeks to stay, and this town is a sort of architectural goldmine. I still have over 24 hours of driving ahead of me, including the push across Kansas today, but I'm going to see as much as I can before I head out.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...