Modern Bunk Bed Round-up

modern bunk bedsIt's crazy how fast time flies. My two little tikes are almost both in big kid beds now. Trying to figure out the best way to make that work has sent me on a little scramble to find some modern bunk bed inspiration. It seems like there is a wide variety of options out there, most of which cost a pretty penny. The (1) Pluunk Bunk bed is the most amazing looking, but costs $4,400. The super sneaky (2) Lollipop murphy beds from resource furniture start at $3,500 and are by far the most space efficient by a long way. has everything from the (3) $3,400 Nurseryworks Duet bunk bed to a super inexpensive (4) $314 generic metal one. Lastly is the German (5) AMBERintheSKY which is a whole different scale of bunk bed. I don't know that it is available stateside, but it gets my DIY juices flowing.

Any other modern bunk beds that you love?

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...