Slow Home

200802060744If you haven't already checked out Slow Home, your missing out. I first heard about it from my parents, who are quite active with the Slow Foods movement with their creamery and handmade artisan cheeses. It seems slow home is an idea that follows a lot of the elements of slow food. The idea behind the website is that too much architecture is mass produced, wasteful, and made without much thought to the user. It focuses on those people who are looking to change all of that and design well thought out spaces that are individualized and concious of the environment. Besides just being a great idea, the website has some great features. It is of course a blog, but it also has a folio section that catalogues different people, projects and products that are useful for the slow home movement. It even has a slow home tv section with all sorts of video clips.

Check it out and let us know your favorite find on Slow Home.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...