Pets and Kitchens

 3254 3039276481 B7F71C67C6I never cease to be amazed at how much people will spend on their pets. While I admit that These Creatures pet bowls are pretty nifty, the $125 price tag seems a little insane for a piece of metal. What I did find interesting about this picture though is the countertop and backsplash. It is 100% identical to the stuff I just pulled out of our kitchen, right down to the boomerangs and metal trim.

The update on our little remodel. Rough electrical is 90%, I may actually finish it tonight, and we are getting bids on drywall. Hopefully we should be able to start painting and doing flooring the weekend after Thanksgiving. If all goes well we should be all finished up by Christmas easy. Say goodbye to boomerangs and hello to ABSTRAKT white.

Via Design-Milk

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...