Modern Economy


No, not THAT economy. Sheesh.  Modern Economy is an online shopping "event" where indie designers can unload overstocked goods and people like you and me can score said goods for up to 80% off. Not bad, eh? The next event starts at 9am on Wednesday, September 9th and goes for 48 hours. And just who are these participating "indie designers" you ask? Oh, people like Ferm Living, Offi, and Perch to name a few. So mark your calendars and get ready to score some amazing deals. You really won't want to miss this event - it only happens once a year!!

For a complete list of participating designers, click here.

More about Modern Economy:
It's truly a win-win situation for indie businesses and consumers alike; designers get to earn back their investment and budget-minded design enthusiasts are able to furnish their lifestyle with the wares they crave while maintaining the sanity of their pocketbooks. And lately, Modern Economy sales have been described as a sustainable business practice (we like that!) as we often sell products that designers may otherwise discard: items with minor faults like ceramics with an uneven glaze, or a pillow with a misplaced label.

Modern Economy is produced by the Mateo Ilasco company, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. We typically hold two sales a year in places like San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Portland, Oregon. We also started hosting virtual sample sales in 2008 and will continue to do that at least once a year. To stay in the loop, we recommend getting on our mailing list to be notified of the details of every sample sale.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...