mo + mo living

I'm not an interior designer. I wish I had some sort of formal education, but instead I just go by gut feelings. That's why I love it when fantastic interior designers like Michelle Wentworth share simple, effective rules that can make our homes better places. Enter Mo + Mo Living.

Mo+Mo Living combines the pared back aesthetic of modern minimalism with a considered way of living. By sharing ideas, design, and resources we hope to inspire our readers to live more simply and to create and find beauty in the everyday. We believe in considered living and that the everyday experience is enhanced by thoughtful choices; having fewer things, investing in well-made products, simplifying our environment, surrounding ourselves with beauty, eating clean and fair food.

Full of great photo's and advice Mo + Mo Living is a must read website for any modern lover, especially those fond of minimalism. Make sure you check out their blog too.

Mo + Mo Living

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...