Win a prize from Paris!

NewImageOK people, here's the deal. I need your help. I'm heading to Paris for 10 days, and I'm officially handing over the reigns of GRM to you while I'm out of town. Truth is, you guys are the most qualified. I have some of the best readers ever, and so much of my content comes from you guys anyway. So now I'm making it easier than ever to share, and I'm giving you all the credit. With the new website redesign, I created an easy pop down menu (follow the arrow!) for registered users to submit photos and links. It takes just a few seconds to fill out, and once submitted it goes into the cue to be posted. As soon as it gets approved, voilà, you are an official GRM blogger. I'll bring a little something back from Paris for whoever submits the best post.*

Not registered yet? No problem. Head over to the registration page, fill out some info, and you're all set.

Questions/Problems? Let us know in the comments.


*What do you get? Who knows, but it's from Paris so it will be awesome right? Who say's which post is best? I'll just count how many people "heart" the post to determine that. Once again you guys are in power.  Ties will be decided by the randomizer.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...